Oson Wallet: electronic money wallet in KZT


Oson, the first electronic money system in Uzbekistan, plans to launch an electronic money wallet called Oson Wallet in Kazakhstan called Oson KZT Wallet. To date, the company has already received all the relevant permits and is carrying out technical work to set up the wallet and complete the process of issuing electronic money through banks in Kazakhstan.

Development in the Kazakhstan market

This spring it was announced that Oson had opened an office in Almaty and began assembling a team to develop its business in Kazakhstan. The company began working in the b2b direction and entered into several contracts with Kazakh fintech companies. These partnerships help expand the company's presence and integrate its solutions into the financial ecosystem of Kazakhstan.

Benefits and Expectations

"We are entering the Kazakhstan market with existing customers and significant demand for the Oson wallet. This market is very interesting for us, and we know that there are major players here. We are confident that our wallet will be convenient, simple and secure for users from Kazakhstan an electronic money instrument,” said founder and CEO Farkhod Makhmudov.

Oson Wallet provides its users with innovative solutions, providing a high level of security and ease of use. With its entry into the Kazakhstan market, the company strives to offer its clients new opportunities for effective financial management and secure transactions.

Oson continues to develop its technologies and expand its geographic presence, providing users around the world with reliable and modern financial instruments.