Public Offer on the Use of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System
This document, in accordance with Articles 367 and 369 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is an official proposal – a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) by the Joint Stock Company “BRIO GROUP,” acting under a contract with the electronic money issuer, to individuals who have the legal capacity and competence to enter into this Agreement for the provision of services, including transactions using the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
Terms and Definitions Used in the Agreement
In this Agreement, subsequent amendments, and supplements, as well as correspondence under this Agreement, the Parties agree to the unambiguous interpretation of the following terms:
Authorization – permission by the System Operator for the OSON Sum Owner to conduct transactions using OSON Sum electronic money in the OSON Sum System, including providing access to the Owner’s electronic wallet.
OSON Sum Electronic Money System Agent (hereinafter referred to as Agent) – banks or payment agents (legal entities that are not banks) that perform operations for purchasing and selling electronic money to individuals under an agreement with the Issuer or System Operator.
Authentication – the process of verifying the identity of an individual as determined by the System Operator by checking the authenticity of the submitted identifier (PIN code, login, etc.).
Authentication Data – the login and password assigned to the Client during registration in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
Blocking of an Electronic Wallet – prohibition of access to an electronic wallet and the use of OSON Sum electronic money.
OSON Sum Electronic Money Owner (hereinafter referred to as OSON Sum Owner):
- Client – an individual who has received OSON Sum electronic money from other individuals, the Issuer, the System Operator, or the Agent;
- Agents;
- Partners who have received electronic money from individuals as payment under civil transactions.
System Operator’s Website for OSON Sum Electronic Money (hereinafter referred to as the System Operator’s Website) – the website located on the Internet at, which provides access to the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
Issuance of OSON Sum Electronic Money – the issuance of OSON Sum electronic money by the Issuer to System Participants (individuals or Agents) in an amount equal to the nominal value of the obligations assumed.
Identification – a procedure defined by the Rules of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System and other documents of the System Operator, involving the verification of the identity of a person registered in the System based on the information and documents required by the System Rules and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
OSON Sum Electronic Money Owner Identifier – a sequence of characters generated during the installation of the OSONTM application on a computer or mobile device of a System Participant, serving as a unique identifier within the System and linking all procedures initiated by the Participant.
Use of OSON Sum Electronic Money – the transfer of OSON Sum electronic money within the System by its Owner to another System Participant to make payments under civil transactions and/or other operations involving the transfer of ownership rights to the electronic money.
Event Registration Log – a section within the OSON Sum Owner’s electronic wallet containing a chronological record of payments and other transactions conducted in the System using OSON Sum electronic money.
Identification Application – an application for identification in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, completed in the form prescribed by the Issuer and System Operator. It must be filled out by the System Participant (an individual) for identification purposes under the System Rules and contains a condition for entering into an appropriate agreement between the Issuer and the System Participant in accordance with the terms of the public offer.
Client – an individual registered in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System as a System Participant.
Login – a unique sequence of characters representing the OSON Sum Owner’s conditional name, used for authorization to access their personal account in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
Personal Account of the System Participant (hereinafter referred to as the Personal Account) – the functional capabilities of the Participant's electronic wallet, their personal section on the System Operator’s website, through which the Participant has access to their electronic wallet to obtain necessary information about the OSON Sum electronic money balance, transactions conducted with it, make payments, and perform other operations.
Inactive Wallet – a wallet status automatically set by the OSON Sum Electronic Money System for electronic wallets:
- Not used for twelve months from the date of the owner’s last authorization;
- Blocked for reasons stipulated in the agreement with the Client and not unblocked within ninety calendar days from the date of blocking;
- Other reasons provided by the System Rules and/or the agreement with the Client.
Exchange Operation – an operation involving the exchange of electronic money issued by one issuer for electronic money issued by another issuer.
OSON Sum Electronic Money System Operator (hereinafter referred to as the System Operator) – ensures the management of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, technological and informational interaction between the Issuer and System Participants, and its operation by collecting, processing, transmitting, and storing information when performing operations using OSON Sum electronic money. The Operator also establishes internal rules and monitors compliance with them under the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Reference: The System Operator is JSC “BRIO GROUP” – TIN: 304408302, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Yunusabad District, Bogiboston MFI, Bogishamol Street, House 179. Registration number in the Register of Payment Organizations No. 2 dated March 28, 2020, and the license of the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the operation and provision of data transmission network services dated June 8, 2017, No. 0006198.
Operational Day – the period during which orders are received and processed.
Password – a unique sequence of characters known only to the OSON Sum Owner, intended for accessing the services of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
Partner – an individual entrepreneur or legal entity accepting OSON Sum electronic money from individuals in the System as payment for goods, works, or services provided.
Redemption of OSON Sum Electronic Money – a payment service in which the Issuer exchanges the electronic money it issued, presented by the OSON Sum Owner, or subject to exchange without the Owner’s presentation in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, for an amount of money equal to their nominal value.
Rules for Operating the OSON Sum Electronic Money System (hereinafter referred to as the System Rules) – regulate the issuance, sale, purchase, and redemption of OSON Sum electronic money, operations conducted using them in the System, and the requirements established by the System Operator.
System Software – OSONTM software used by the System Operator to ensure the functioning of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System and provide services to the Issuer and/or System Participants for conducting transactions with OSON Sum electronic money.
Security Procedure – a set of organizational measures and software-technical tools for information protection aimed at confirming the OSON Sum Owner's rights to use electronic money and detecting errors and/or changes in the content of electronic messages transmitted and received during the use of OSON Sum electronic money.
OSON Sum Electronic Money System (hereinafter referred to as the System) – a combination of software-technical tools and organizational-technical measures used on portable device platforms, mobile applications, and other software products, ensuring payments and other operations with OSON Sum electronic money in compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the System Rules.
Participants of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System (hereinafter referred to as System Participants) – individuals or legal entities that, under concluded agreements, have rights and obligations related to the issuance, transfer, acceptance, use, purchase, sale, or redemption of electronic money within the System.
OSON Sum Electronic Money (hereinafter referred to as OSON Sum) – unconditional and irrevocable monetary obligations of the Issuer, stored in electronic form and accepted as a means of payment within the System, denominated in the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan – the sum.
Electronic Wallet – a microprocessor, software of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, or another software-technical tool that allows storing and using OSON Sum electronic money.
Electronic Message – information recorded in electronic form that allows identifying its sender and transmitted between System Participants via a secure communication channel.
Issuer – banks that issue and redeem electronic money in the System in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including:
“BRIO GROUP” Address: 100058, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Yunusabad
District, Bogiboston MFI, Bogishamol Street, House 179.
TIN: 304 408 302 R/C: 20208000600690042002 in OPERU AK "ALOKABANK"
Tashkent MFO: 00401 OKED 63 110 Tel. +998-71-207-80-81
Other terms in this Agreement are interpreted by the System Participants in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and established customary rules of interpretation of corresponding terms and definitions on the Internet.
General Provisions
1.1. This Agreement is concluded between the System Operator and the Client for
the use of the services of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, including the
Operator's website, the OSONTM mobile application, and the Operator's software.
This Agreement is:
1.2.1. Public, with terms identical for all Clients, and it defines the
conditions for using the services of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, the
OSONTM mobile application, and other software products of the OSON Sum
Electronic Money System.
1.2.2. Mandatory for all Clients of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System and is
published on the System Operator's website.
Subject of the Agreement
2.1. The subject of this Agreement, concluded with the Client through the
acceptance of this offer, is the provision of services by the System Operator
to the Client for the use of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System (including
any subsequent modifications, additional features, and usage parameters),
including ensuring information-communication and technological interaction (including
collection, processing, transmission, and storage of information) between the
Client and other System Participants, for the purposes of:
2.1.1. Opening an electronic wallet to enable the Client to make payments and
perform other operations.
2.1.2. Facilitating payments by the Client for goods (works, services) offered
by Partners or Agents.
2.1.3. Allowing the Client to perform other operations available in the OSON
Sum Electronic Money System under the terms of this Agreement and/or other
agreements published on the System Operator's website, the OSONTM mobile
application, and other software products of the OSON Sum Electronic Money
System, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
2.2. The services provided by the System Operator are chargeable, and the Client agrees to pay for them in the amount and manner established by the Fees for commissions and service charges of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System (hereinafter referred to as the Fees), published on the System Operator's website.
2.3. The list of services and available services of Partners and Agents is determined by the System Operator under the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and published on the System Operator's website. The System Operator has the right to unilaterally modify and/or supplement the list of Partners and Agents authorized to accept payments for the goods (works and services) they provide within the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
Changes and/or additions made to the list of Partners and Agents become effective for the Client upon their publication on the System Operator's website. The changes and additions are considered accepted by the Client upon their first use of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System after such changes and additions have been made.
2.4. The System Operator may provide other services not specified in this Agreement, provided that the Client accepts the terms of other agreements in the prescribed manner.
3. Procedure for Concluding the Agreement
3.1. This Agreement is deemed concluded and comes into effect upon its full and unconditional acceptance by the Client in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
3.2. This Agreement is considered concluded and effective from the moment the Client fully and unconditionally accepts it in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
3.3. The use of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System is possible after completing the registration process via the OSONTM mobile application or the System Operator's website.
3.4. Full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with Article 370 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is demonstrated by the Client performing the following actions:
Registration by the Client in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System through the
OSONTM Mobile Application, specifically:
a) Installing the OSONTM Mobile Application.
b) Entering the subscriber mobile number in the registration form (the
subscriber mobile number provided by the Client during registration will be
used as the Client's name (login) when using the OSON Sum Electronic Money
c) Entering the verification (confirmation) code by inputting the appropriate
symbols into the registration form.
d) Receiving an SMS confirmation with a code on the specified subscriber mobile
number and entering it into the registration form.
e) Creating a password and expressing agreement (acceptance) with the terms of
this Agreement, the System Rules, the Fees, and other agreements of the System
Operator by ticking the checkbox next to the text: "I agree to the terms
and requirements of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System Rules and the Public
Registration by the Client in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System via the
official System Operator’s website, specifically:
a) Entering the electronic address of the System Operator’s website into the
browser's address bar:
b) Entering the subscriber mobile number in the registration form (the
subscriber mobile number provided by the Client during registration will be
used as the Client's name (login) when using the OSON Sum Electronic Money
c) Entering the verification (confirmation) code by inputting the appropriate
symbols into the registration form.
d) Receiving an SMS confirmation with a code on the specified subscriber mobile
number and entering it into the registration form.
e) Creating a password and expressing agreement (acceptance) with the terms of
this Agreement, the System Rules, the Fees, and other agreements of the System
Operator by ticking the checkbox next to the text: "I agree to the terms
and requirements of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System Rules and the Public
3.5. Registration as a Client in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System is considered complete after the Client correctly enters the data received from the System Operator via SMS confirmation, as outlined in subparagraph 3.4.1. or 3.4.2. of this Agreement.
3.6. Before using the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, the Client must fully familiarize themselves with this Agreement, the System Rules, and the Fees. If the Client disagrees with their terms and/or specific provisions, they have the right to refrain from using the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
3.7. After registering in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System as a System Participant and for the purpose of opening an electronic wallet to perform payments and other operations using OSON Sum Electronic Money, the Client must additionally review and accept the terms of this Agreement, the System Rules, the Fees, and other agreements of the System Operator. In this case, the actions performed by the Client under point 3.4., subpoints 3.4.1. and/or 3.4.2. of this Agreement, are considered full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement.
3.8. The Client is provided with the option to set a PIN code as an additional means of identity verification for certain operations.
4. Terms of the Agreement
4.1. By registering in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System and confirming acceptance of this Agreement, the Client fully and unconditionally accepts all the terms of this Agreement without any exceptions.
4.2. Partial acceptance of the terms of this Agreement, the System Rules, the Fees, other agreements, and terms of use related to the OSON Sum Electronic Money System is not permitted.
4.3. This Agreement is deemed concluded between the System Operator and the Client based on:
The date of registration in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System as outlined in
clause 3.4 of this Agreement.
4.3.2. The location of the System Operator's registered legal address.
4.4. The Client agrees to receive messages from the System Operator on the mobile number of the device or other equipment specified as the login during registration as a Client. Additionally, the Client consents to the transfer and processing of their personal data in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the System Rules, and this Agreement.
4.5. The Client acknowledges the System Operator’s right to unilaterally make changes and additions to this Agreement by posting them on the System Operator’s website. Such changes and additions take effect immediately unless a specific effective date is indicated when the Agreement is posted. Changes and additions to this Agreement are considered effective for the Client from the moment they are posted on the System Operator’s website. These changes and additions are deemed accepted by the Client upon the first use of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System after such changes and additions have been made.
4.6. If the Client disagrees with the changes and additions made to this Agreement by the System Operator, the Client has the right to cease using the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, which will constitute a unilateral termination of this Agreement by the Client.
4.7. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, it does not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.
4.8. The Client bears personal responsibility for timely reviewing the changes and additions made to this Agreement by the System Operator.
4.9. The Client agrees that the System Operator has the right to involve third parties in the execution of this Agreement. These third parties are granted the same rights as the System Operator, including in relation to the Client's personal data (excluding exclusive rights to the OSON Sum System).
5. Registration and Types of Electronic Wallets
5.1. An individual (having the appropriate legal capacity and competence to enter into the Agreement) intending to open an electronic wallet and become a Client of the System Operator must complete the registration process as outlined in Section 3 of this Agreement.
5.2. Upon successful registration, the Client is issued an electronic wallet with a unique identifier (assigned by the OSON Sum Electronic Money System upon wallet creation), a login (the mobile phone number provided by the Client), and a password created by the Client for accessing the electronic wallet, which includes personal account features. Each Client in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System may open only one electronic wallet unless the Client performs actions specified in Clause 2.4 of this Agreement.
5.3. An individual (having the appropriate legal capacity and competence to enter into the Agreement) who has completed registration in accordance with Section 3 of this Agreement is granted the status of a non-identified OSON Sum Electronic Money Owner within the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
5.4. A non-identified OSON Sum Electronic Money Owner (Client) may undergo a special identification procedure by providing the System Operator with the necessary documents to verify and/or confirm the conclusion of the service agreement for the OSON Sum Electronic Money System. Upon successful completion of this procedure, the Client receives the status of an identified OSON Sum Electronic Money Owner as per the procedures outlined on the System Operator’s website.
5.5. Completion of the registration process grants the Client access to open an electronic wallet and utilize the services of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, subject to existing limitations.
5.6. The Client acquires electronic money using available methods or at other payment acceptance points listed on the System Operator's website.
5.7. Electronic wallets for Clients are divided into two types:
5.7.1. Non-identified Client Wallet – This wallet is opened upon registration without undergoing the identification procedure. It is used for storing electronic money in a limited amount to perform one-time transactions within the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
5.7.2. Identified Client Wallet – This wallet is opened for a Client whose identity has been verified through the identification process (confirming the Client’s identity or through other means that comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including remote identification systems). This wallet is used for storing OSON Sum electronic money, making payments, and conducting other transactions within the OSON Sum Electronic Money System on more favorable terms than those of the non-identified Client Wallet, in accordance with the System Rules, the terms of this Agreement, and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
5.8. The OSON Sum Electronic Money System assigns specific certificates to electronic wallets (except for non-identified ones) depending on the type of wallet owned by the OSON Sum Electronic Money Owner, in accordance with the procedures established by the OSON Sum Electronic Money System. Information about the certificate system is available on the System Operator’s website.
6. Terms of Use for the OSON Sum Electronic Money System
6.1. The terms of use for the OSON Sum Electronic Money System and the provision of services by the System Participants are defined by this Agreement, the Rules of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, the Tariffs, and other agreements of the System Operator. The System Operator reserves the right to make amendments and additions to any of these documents in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Information about such amendments and additions will be communicated to the Client through publication on the System Operator’s website and/or by sending electronic messages or through other means available in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
6.2. The System Operator continuously works on improving the OSON Sum Electronic Money System to align it with modern trends in e-commerce services.
6.3. The use of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System is possible after completing the registration and authorization process on the System Operator’s website or by acquiring OSON Sum electronic money from an Issuer or Agent.
6.4. The following services are available to Clients within the OSON Sum Electronic Money System:
Purchase of OSON Sum electronic money from Agents.
6.4.2. Sale of OSON Sum electronic money to an Agent.
6.4.3. Payments to Partners for goods (work and services) provided by them.
6.4.4. Transfers of OSON Sum electronic money between Clients.
6.4.5. Transfers of OSON Sum electronic money between Clients (repeated for
6.4.6. Access to information services, including details of completed transactions,
the current balance of their electronic wallet, and other reference information
regarding the operation of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
6.4.7. Exchange of electronic messages within the OSON Sum Electronic Money
System with other electronic wallet owners.
6.4.8. Execution of other operations as provided by this Agreement, the Rules
of the System, and other agreements with System Participants within the
framework of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
6.5. The methods and conditions of using the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, available services, tariffs, and transaction limits are established by the System Operator, depending on the type of electronic wallet, the Client’s status, and other factors in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
6.6. The following restrictions apply to the types and amounts of transactions with OSON Sum electronic money performed by Clients within the System:
The maximum amount for a single transaction by a non-identified Client must not
exceed the amount equivalent to the basic calculation value. If this amount is
exceeded, the Client must undergo identification as an OSON Sum Electronic
Money Owner.
6.6.2. The maximum amount of OSON Sum electronic money stored on a single
electronic device by a non-identified Client must not exceed five times the
basic calculation value.
6.6.3. A non-identified Client is not entitled to demand the redemption of OSON
Sum electronic money from the Issuer.
6.6.4. The maximum amount for a single transaction by an identified Client must
not exceed the amount equivalent to one hundred times the basic calculation
Other restrictions on transaction types and amounts with OSON Sum electronic money, as well as conditions for their application based on the status of the OSON Sum Electronic Money Owner and the certification level assigned to the electronic wallet, are determined by the System Operator and published on the System Operator’s website.
6.7. The System Operator is obligated to process information regarding the crediting of OSON Sum electronic money to the Client's electronic wallet for further use within the OSON Sum Electronic Money System to pay for goods (work and services) or transfer to other Clients within the system. The System Operator must also record all transactions and provide the Client with a report upon special request.
6.8. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement or other agreements, the System Operator is not a party to transactions for the purchase and sale of goods, provision of services, performance of work, or other transactions concluded between the Client and a Partner or Agent. As such, the System Operator is not responsible:
For ensuring that transactions comply with the legislation of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, influencing their terms, or being accountable for the consequences
of their conclusion, performance, or termination, including the return of funds
and/or electronic money related to such transactions.
6.8.2. To the Client for obligations arising from Partners, Agents, or other
Clients of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, including the sale of goods,
performance of work, and provision of services, provided that the obligations
of the System Operator have been fully and timely fulfilled.
6.9. The System Operator may provide other services not stipulated by this Agreement if the Client accepts additional agreements and/or terms for such services when making payments and other transactions.
6.10. The Parties confirm that the terms of the System Rules take precedence over the terms of this Agreement. In case of contradictions between the provisions of these documents, the System Rules shall prevail. If the relations between the Client and the System Operator are not regulated by the System Rules, the provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and this Agreement shall apply.
6.11. The Client confirms that they will not use the OSON Sum Electronic Money System for entrepreneurial activities and will not facilitate such use by third parties.
6.12. The Client understands and agrees that the System Operator does not cooperate with individuals not registered as individual entrepreneurs concerning entrepreneurial activities. The System Operator is not liable for the Client's payments related to their or third parties' entrepreneurial activities using the Client’s electronic wallet, nor for the obligations of such individuals.
7. Identification
7.1. To upgrade a non-identified electronic wallet to an identified one, the Client must undergo identification (including through remote identification systems) as outlined on the System Operator’s website.
7.2. The identification process for the Client takes up to three business days. During this period, after the Client completes the identification procedure, the System Operator converts the electronic wallet to an identified type and assigns the corresponding rights and functionalities for that wallet type as provided within the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
7.3. From the moment the Client completes all registration actions in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System and acquires OSON Sum electronic money, the Client is entitled to use the system to the extent, in the manner, and under the terms provided by the System Rules.
8. Service Costs and Settlements
8.1. The System Operator establishes Tariffs and charges fees and commissions from the Client for the services provided by the OSON Sum Electronic Money System.
8.2. The Tariffs for using the services of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System are determined by the System Operator in the national currency, "sum."
8.3. The OSON Sum Electronic Money System does not engage in the collection of advance payments.
8.4. The costs associated with making payments and other operations within the OSON Sum Electronic Money System are borne by the Client.
8.5. Before providing services within the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, the System Operator provides the Client with information about the Tariffs.
8.6. The System Operator does not deduct fees for services provided by the OSON Sum Electronic Money System from the payment or operation amount, except in cases where the deduction of fees from the payment amount is stipulated in the agreement between the beneficiary and the beneficiary’s payment service provider.
8.7. The System Operator may not initiate a payment or other operation without the Client's instructions.
8.8. The cost of the System Operator’s services is charged in OSON Sum electronic money.
8.9. Payments for goods, work, and services sold within the Republic of Uzbekistan may only be accepted in electronic money issued within the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
8.10. The System Operator guarantees that it has the authority to act on behalf of the Partner or Agent, execute OSON Sum electronic money transfers to them at the Client’s instruction, and transmit payment or other transaction information to the Partner or Agent.
8.11. The Client submits an instruction to the System Operator to make a payment (indicating its amount) using their OSON Sum electronic money in favor of the Partner. The Client must confirm the payment details by checking the box indicating agreement with the payment amount, the Tariff, and clicking the "Pay" button.
8.12. A payment or other operation is considered complete upon the receipt of notification in electronic or physical form:
By the Client, confirming the successful completion of the payment or other
operation (a payment receipt, invoice, SMS message, or email notification to
the electronic wallet owner).
8.12.2. By the Issuer, Partner, or Agent, confirming the receipt of funds into
their bank account or OSON Sum electronic money into their electronic wallet,
8.13. If the Client’s electronic wallet does not contain the required OSON Sum electronic money, payments or other operations will not be processed, and the Client will receive a corresponding notification from the System Operator.
9. Procedure for Making Payments and Other Transactions in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System
9.1. Replenishment of the Electronic Wallet
9.1.1. To use the OSON Sum Electronic Money System and access the services of the System Operator, the Client must replenish the balance of their electronic wallet by acquiring OSON Sum electronic money from the Issuer or an Agent (including via payment instruments), a list of which is published on the System Operator’s website.
9.1.2. Replenishment of the Client’s electronic wallet balance involves acquiring OSON Sum electronic money from the Issuer, Agent, or by one of the available methods in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan for subsequent crediting to the Client’s electronic wallet account.
9.1.3. The Client may deposit OSON Sum electronic money into their wallet account through:
- purchasing electronic money from an Agent;
- submitting a request for the issuance of electronic money by the Issuer;
- receiving a transfer of electronic money from another Client;
- other methods available on the System Operator’s website.
9.1.4. To replenish an electronic wallet in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, the Client must provide the identifier of the OSON Sum electronic money owner – WMID.
9.1.5. Replenishment of the electronic wallet balance is possible if the wallet is active and the established restrictions within the OSON Sum Electronic Money System are observed.
9.1.6. If third parties deposit OSON Sum electronic money into the Client’s wallet balance, all rights and obligations regarding such electronic money are attributed to the Client. These actions are considered to be made in the Client’s interest by third parties and do not create any mutual obligations between the System Operator and the third parties.
9.1.7. The completion of the wallet balance replenishment operation is confirmed by the reflection of the accepted OSON Sum electronic money amount in the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, indicating its crediting to the Client’s wallet balance.
9.1.8. Agents sell electronic money on the condition that an individual (with the right and capacity to enter into the Agreement) deposits the corresponding amount of money (the cost of electronic money and, if applicable, the fee) into the Agent’s bank account or provides the Agent with the funds in cash, including via payment instruments, electronic terminals, ATMs, and other methods not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
9.1.9. When selling electronic money by an Agent and issuing electronic money by the Issuer, a commission fee may be charged, the amount of which (if applicable) is published on the System Operator’s website and/or the Issuer’s and/or Agent’s online resources.
9.2. Transfer of OSON Sum Electronic Money
9.2.1. The Client may, unless restricted by the technical capabilities of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System, depending on the type and status of their wallet or other conditions, assign their claims against the Issuer, in whole or in part, by transferring OSON Sum electronic money to another Client within the balance of the electronic wallet.
9.2.2. If the System Operator has doubts about the legality of such a transfer (suspicious transaction), it may block the receipt of OSON Sum electronic money by the receiving Client, suspend operations until explanations and/or other information required by the System Operator are provided, and/or documents verifying the identity of the recipient and/or sender are submitted.
9.2.3. To make a transfer (assignment of claims), the Client must submit an operational order to the System Operator, providing the data requested by the System Operator.
9.2.4. The minimum and maximum amounts of OSON Sum electronic money permissible for transfer are limited by the System Operator in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, System Rules, this Agreement, and/or other internal documents of the System Operator.
9.2.5. The transfer is considered completed once the OSON Sum electronic money is debited from the sender’s wallet and the corresponding amount is credited to the recipient’s wallet balance.
9.3. Payments
9.3.1. The System Operator provides informational support to the Client when making payments—transferring OSON Sum electronic money to Partners as payment for goods (works, services) provided.
9.3.2. The System Operator determines the list of Partners available to the Client and may restrict it depending on the type of wallet owned by the Client or other restrictions outlined in this Agreement, System Rules, and other internal documents of the System Operator published on its website.
9.3.3. The System Operator provides services only based on and in accordance with the Client’s instructions. By making a payment in favor of a Partner using the OSON Sum electronic money in their wallet, the Client formally consents to the transaction.
9.3.4. The Client’s payment instruction (transfer of OSON Sum electronic money to the Partner) is executed if the required System details and sufficient electronic money balance are present in the Client’s wallet.
9.3.5. After verifying the Client’s identity and the availability of sufficient funds for the payment, the System Operator informs the Client of the acceptance or rejection of the payment instruction, based on the verification results.
9.3.6. When executing the Client’s instruction, the System Operator debits the specified amount of OSON Sum electronic money from the sender’s wallet and credits it to the recipient’s wallet while deducting the System Operator’s commission fee according to the Tariffs.
9.3.7. The execution of the Client’s instruction results in a change (decrease or increase) in the balance of their wallet by the corresponding amount (payment and commission, if applicable), and this information is saved in the Client’s transaction log.
9.3.8. The Client acknowledges that their obligations to the Partner for payment for goods (works, services) are considered fulfilled at the moment the payment is made to the Partner.
9.3.9. In the event of errors made by the Client when issuing a payment instruction, neither the Issuer nor the System Operator is responsible for executing the erroneous instruction or the failure of the recipient to return the OSON Sum electronic money to the sender. Errors include cases where the Client incorrectly entered the recipient’s data, wallet identification code, or necessary payment details when making a payment in favor of a Partner.
9.3.10. If the Client makes errors in the payment order, the Issuer and System Operator bear no responsibility for executing an order with mistakes made by the Client, nor for the failure of the recipient to return the mistakenly received OSON sum electronic money. Client errors include, but are not limited to, cases where the Client incorrectly enters the recipient's details, the electronic wallet's identification code, or required payment details when paying a Partner.
9.4. Refunds of OSON Sum Electronic Money
9.4.1. If the Client (payer) requires a refund of OSON sum, it shall be processed in accordance with this Agreement, the System Rules, and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
9.4.2. Refunds of OSON sum electronic money from the Client's (recipient’s) wallet to the sender’s wallet are possible in the following cases:
- When the System erroneously assigns the recipient’s details in a transaction (provided the sender correctly specified the recipient’s details).
- If the need to cancel a completed payment or transfer is caused by a technical or software error of the System Operator, in which case the OSON sum electronic money is refunded in full to the accounts of the involved System participants.
- If a Partner is required to provide refunds under civil law transactions as stipulated by consumer protection laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
9.4.3. In other cases, the Client may request a refund by submitting an application to the System Operator via electronic communication, providing reasons and supporting information. The System Operator will review the application within three business days and may request additional information. Based on the review, the System Operator will inform the Client of the refund action to be taken or the reasons for refusal.
If the Client (sender) makes an error in the transfer order (e.g., entering an
incorrect recipient wallet number), they must submit a written application to
the System Operator, or an email with documentation identifying the sender and
confirming the transaction (receipt or other payment proof). The System
Operator will notify the recipient of the error and request a refund of the
OSON sum.
Refunds will be processed only with the recipient's consent or, in the case of
a Partner, with their agreement to a non-disputable deduction. Associated
commission fees, if any, are borne by the sender. The sender may also directly
request the recipient to refund the OSON sum, resolving commission disputes
The System Operator and Issuer bear no responsibility for errors in orders submitted by the sender or for the recipient's failure to refund the money.
9.4.5. If the need to cancel a payment or transfer results from a System error or unauthorized access due to the Operator's fault, refunds are processed by restoring the rights of the participants to their OSON sum as of the transaction's initiation.
9.4.6. In cases of cancellation due to technical issues or errors by the System, the following must be met:
- Statements from the Client and Partner must be submitted in writing, signed, and include wallet details and reasons for the refund.
- The OSON sum must not have been redeemed by the Issuer to the Partner.
- The refund process must comply with laws and System Rules.
If these conditions are met, the OSON sum is transferred from the Partner’s wallet to the Client’s wallet on the same operational day. Previously withheld commissions are non-refundable.
9.4.7. If unauthorized access to a Client's wallet balance results in a transaction, refunds will be issued after the Operator receives notification of the Client's loss of access. Refunds for unauthorized transactions will be processed within one operational day.
9.5. Selling OSON Sum Electronic Money by the Client
9.5.1. With the Operator’s consent, and if the operation is not restricted by technical or other limitations, the Client may sell OSON sum to an Agent under an agreement with the Issuer or Operator, receiving funds in cash, to their bank account, or through other means allowed under Uzbek law.
9.5.2. The Client must submit an application to the Operator with required information for the transaction.
9.5.3. After submitting an application, the Client receives a transfer number or operation code displayed in the System or via electronic notification. Additional data may be required to verify identity or transaction rights.
9.5.4. Minimum and maximum sale limits and applicable fees are set by the Operator in compliance with Uzbek law and disclosed before confirmation of the application.
9.5.5. The Operator may implement additional verification methods, such as security codes, to confirm the Client’s wallet ownership.
9.5.6. The Client acknowledges that once the sale is executed, it cannot be canceled.
9.5.7. The Client agrees not to use the System or Agents for fraudulent or illegal activities, including money laundering or terrorism financing, as prohibited by Uzbek law.
9.5.8. Upon the Client’s instruction to sell OSON sum, the System immediately debits the specified amount, and the Agent is required to disburse funds on the next banking day. If the Agent fails to fulfill its obligations, the Client may seek support from the Operator to recover their funds.
9.5.8. The Client agrees that, when performing an OSON sum e-money transaction, the transfer of OSON sum e-money to the Agent occurs immediately after the Client submits the relevant instruction in the OSON e-money System. The Agent undertakes to fulfill the obligation to pay the Client funds in cash or non-cash form on the first banking day following the day the Client submits such instruction.
The date on which the Agent fulfills its obligation is considered the day it issues a payment order specifying the amount to be transferred to the Client’s servicing bank or confirms readiness to provide the corresponding amount in cash. In case of non-performance, incomplete, or untimely fulfillment of its obligations by the Agent, the Client has the right to contact the System Operator for comprehensive support in the process of returning the e-money or funds due to the Client.
9.6. Exchange Transactions in the OSON sum E-Money System
9.6.1. The System Operator may facilitate the exchange of e-money between different e-money systems or within a multi-issuer e-money system, as provided by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The terms and procedures for e-money exchange transactions may also be determined by the internal documents of the System Operator in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Exchange transactions involving e-money denominated in foreign currency, issued by a non-resident of the Republic of Uzbekistan, are conducted by the issuing bank under an agreement with the non-resident in the prescribed manner.
9.7. Presentation of OSON sum E-Money to the Issuer for Redemption
9.7.1. Redemption of OSON sum e-money is carried out by the Issuer through the transfer of an amount equivalent to its nominal value to the bank account of the e-money Holder, an individual, or by providing cash. The Issuer may set minimum and maximum redemption amounts for OSON sum e-money.
9.8. Redemption of OSON sum E-Money for Identified Holders
9.8.1. For the redemption of OSON sum e-money to the bank account of an identified Holder, the Client submits a redemption instruction specifying the exact amount and the bank account for the redemption. The System Operator forwards the Holder’s instruction to the Issuer to initiate the redemption process. Before redemption, the Issuer verifies the bank account specified by the Holder for redemption.
9.8.2. If, during verification by the Issuer, the bank account specified by the Client:
Belongs to the Client – the transaction is deemed successful, and the Issuer redeems the OSON sum e-money to the Client's bank account.
Does not belong to the Client – the redemption is not carried out, and the Client is notified of the incomplete redemption transaction due to a mismatch in the identification details of the e-money Holder and the bank account owner.
Redemption operations for unidentified Holders of OSON sum e-money are unavailable. If an unidentified Client initiates a redemption operation, they will receive a notification of the impossibility of completing the operation and an offer to undergo identification and complete the necessary steps for this procedure.
9.8.3. Redemption of OSON sum e-money through the Issuer's cash desk is carried out within the balance of the Holder's electronic wallet. The Holder submits a redemption instruction in person at the Issuer’s branch, completing the Issuer's form and providing identification documents. The Issuer verifies the submitted data and notifies the System Operator about the redemption of OSON sum e-money.
9.8.4. Minimum redemption amounts for various categories of Holders may be established according to the System Operator's internal documents and contract terms.
9.9. Recordkeeping of Client Operations in the OSON sum E-Money System
9.9.1. The System Operator shall maintain and store records of the occurrence, modification, or termination of mutual rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement, accepted by the Client.
9.9.2. All operations initiated or performed by the Client using OSON sum e-money, such as issuance, wallet balance replenishment, assignment of claims, payments for goods/services, and other transactions, are recorded in the OSON e-money System’s event log.
9.9.3. The Client may access their transaction history for at least five years after the transactions or cessation of their use of the System.
9.9.4. The System Operator shall retain transaction records for no less than five years.
9.10. Transition to "Inactive" Mode and Wallet Blocking
9.10.1. If the Client does not use their wallet for six months, it transitions to "Inactive" mode.
9.10.2. The System Operator may charge a storage fee for inactive wallets. If the balance is insufficient, the remaining balance is transferred to the System Operator, and the wallet is archived. After five years in inactive status, the wallet may be closed.
9.10.3. Wallet blocking may occur as outlined in the System Rules and legislation.
9.10.4. Reactivation is subject to identification procedures and document verification.
10. Rights and Obligations of the Parties
10.1. The Client has the right to:
10.1.1. Access all services of the OSON Sum E-Money System in accordance with the type of e-wallet and other restrictions established by the System Operator, the System Rules, and/or the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
10.1.2. Use the OSON Sum E-Money System to initiate the issuance of OSON Sum E-Money, deposit it into the e-wallet balance, make payments under civil transactions, and transfer claims to another Client or individual, or use it in other ways in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the System Rules, and this Agreement.
10.1.3. Request a refund of payments and/or other transactions as stipulated in this Agreement and the System Rules, and submit an order to redeem OSON Sum E-Money using any available methods specified on the System Operator's website.
10.1.4. Use additional services of the OSON Sum E-Money System in the manner and on the terms set forth in other agreements available on the System Operator's website.
10.1.5. Obtain information from the System Operator about the e-wallet balance, account actions, and other information relevant to using the OSON Sum E-Money System.
10.1.6. Receive information from the System Operator regarding the types of e-wallets available to Clients in the OSON Sum E-Money System.
10.1.7. Submit appeals to the System Operator regarding the actions of System Participants, system malfunctions, and other circumstances requiring the Operator's intervention.
10.1.8. Use the OSON Sum E-Money System in other ways that do not infringe on the rights and lawful interests of other System Participants, third parties, or the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
10.1.9. Obtain technical and informational support from the System Operator.
10.2. The Client is obligated to:
10.2.1. Comply with the terms of this Agreement, the System Rules, and, when using additional services, the terms of supplementary and/or other agreements available on the System Operator's website.
10.2.2. Provide accurate information to the System Operator during registration in the OSON Sum E-Money System and during the identification process (claims arising from the consequences of providing inaccurate information will not be considered).
10.2.3. Bear sole responsibility for safeguarding confidential information and preventing the dissemination of transaction data due to their negligence, criminal actions by third parties, malware, or other unlawful or careless actions.
10.2.4. Ensure the proper functionality and information security of the device used to access the OSON Sum E-Money System.
10.2.5. Refrain from altering (including attempts to alter) or supplementing the software and technical means of the OSON Sum E-Money System in whole or in part, either independently or by involving third parties.
10.2.6. Recognize documents in electronic form generated in the OSON Sum E-Money System as equivalent to paper documents in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
10.2.7. Promptly notify the System Operator of any changes or additions to identification data (e.g., a change in last name or first name).
10.2.8. Update authentication data in a timely manner in the event of terminating a mobile service contract for the phone number used during registration in the OSON Sum E-Money System.
10.2.9. Immediately notify the System Operator if a payment or other transaction is detected that was conducted without the Client's consent, or if there is unauthorized access to the Client's personal data or loss of authentication data.
10.2.10. Avoid using the OSON Sum E-Money System for entrepreneurial activities or enabling third parties to do so.
10.2.11. Refrain from disseminating materials and information that violate the rights and lawful interests of third parties (e.g., privacy rights, intellectual property rights).
10.2.12. Use the System Operator's website in good faith, without violating the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the terms of this Agreement, or the rights and lawful interests of third parties.
10.2.13. Refrain from engaging in fraudulent transactions, money laundering, financing terrorism, financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and other activities prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
10.3. The System Operator has the right to:
10.3.1. Modify the software and technical means of the OSON Sum E-Money System and restrict Client access to the System using outdated software.
10.3.2. Update the content and functionality of the System Operator's website at its sole discretion.
10.3.3. Suspend the operation of software and technical resources used to ensure the functionality of the OSON Sum E-Money System in the event of detected malfunctions, errors, or failures, and for maintenance or to prevent unauthorized access to the System.
10.3.4. Request documents from the Client, regardless of their status, to verify their identity as outlined in this Agreement and/or the System Rules, or in cases involving:
- The Client's use of additional services requiring identity verification;
- Doubts about the legitimacy of the Client's actions or proper use of the OSON Sum E-Money System;
- Actions by the Client affecting the interests of the System Operator, other System Participants, or third parties.
10.3.5. Refuse to process Client payments or transactions in cases such as:
- Attempts to transfer an amount exceeding the e-wallet balance;
- Attempts to make payments or transactions exceeding the legal maximum amount for a single transaction;
- The need to identify the Client per clauses 9.2.2., 9.5.3., and 10.3.4. of this Agreement;
- Inability to maintain a connection with the OSON Sum E-Money System for reasons beyond the System Operator's control;
- Failure of the Client to pass authentication procedures;
- Transactions or payments that may cause losses to the System Operator, Partners, or third parties.
10.3.6. Block the Client's e-wallet until the Client provides necessary clarifications or documents upon the System Operator's request in cases such as:
- Complaints from other Clients or third parties about the Client's actions violating their rights or interests;
- Improper use of the OSON Sum E-Money System by the Client;
- Violations of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan by the Client;
- The need to identify the Client as stipulated in clause 11.7. of this Agreement or at the System Operator's discretion;
- Attempts by the Client to alter the System's software and technical resources or other actions affecting the functionality of the System;
- Other violations of this Agreement or the System Rules by the Client.
10.3.7. Collect and record the Client's identification information.
10.3.8. Provide information about the Client's e-wallet type to other System Participants.
10.3.9. Offer other services to Clients based on separate agreements available on the System Operator's website.
10.3.10. Restrict the list of Partner services available depending on the Client's e-wallet type and other limitations specified on the System Operator's website.
10.3.11. Collect, store, and process configurations and other characteristics of the software and technical means used by the Client to access the OSON sum EDS, as well as other data transmitted to the System Operator during its use. If necessary, the System Operator may transfer such data to third parties.
10.3.12. Collect, store, and process data entered by the Client during payments or other transactions and, if necessary, transfer such data to Partners to fulfill this Agreement.
10.3.13. Collect, store, and process information about purchased goods, paid services, and works for the purpose of targeted advertising and statistical purposes. Transfer statistical information to OSON sum EDS partners without disclosing Clients' personal data.
10.3.14. Use the Client’s contact information to notify them about OSON sum EDS events and maintain communication (including using data entered by unregistered Clients) during their payments and other transactions via the OSON sum EDS for providing informational messages or other details to the initiator of the transaction.
10.3.15. Charge a commission and/or service fee for certain Client transactions and notify them of the amounts before confirming the transaction request.
10.3.16. Place advertising and informational messages about services provided by the System Operator and/or products (services, works) of third parties on the System Operator's website.
10.4. The System Operator shall:
10.4.1. Ensure the uninterrupted round-the-clock operation of the OSON sum EDS, as well as the operation of the Technical and Information Support Service for Clients.
10.4.2. Take immediate measures if malfunctions, failures, or errors in the software and technical means of the OSON sum EDS are detected.
10.4.3. Suspend payments and other transactions in the event of unauthorized access to the OSON sum EDS until the threat of third-party interference in the system’s operation is resolved.
10.4.4. Notify Clients in advance in case of planned maintenance work that requires suspending the OSON sum EDS operation.
10.4.5. Register the Client as specified in this Agreement and provide them with access to the OSON sum EDS services in the appropriate volume, subject to restrictions determined by the System Operator and the Client’s compliance with the registration procedure and requirements of this Agreement.
10.4.6. Provide information about the Client's e-wallet type to other System Participants.
10.4.7. Credit OSON sum EDS to the Client's e-wallet balance in accordance with the System Rules and this Agreement.
10.4.8. Process payments for specified goods (services, works), assign the right to demand to another registered Client (if not in conflict with this Agreement and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan), and refund OSON sum EDS under the conditions set forth in the System Rules and this Agreement.
10.4.9. Provide additional services available on the System Operator's website, provided the Client agrees (accepts) the terms of another agreement.
10.4.10. Maintain and store information about the Client's e-wallet balance, any changes, and other details during the term of this Agreement and for five years after its termination. Ensure the Client has constant access to their transaction and operation history for at least five years.
10.4.11. Notify the Client of any payments and other transactions made in the OSON sum EDS.
10.4.12. Ensure the confidentiality and security of the information provided by the Client, preventing its disclosure or transfer to third parties, except in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the System Rules, and this Agreement.
10.4.13. Block the Client's e-wallet in cases specified by this Agreement, the System Rules, and/or the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
10.4.14. Publish a new version of this Agreement in accordance with clause 4.5 of this Agreement in the event of unilateral changes or additions.
10.4.15. Enforce judicial decisions to cancel the OSON sum EDS on the Client’s e-wallet balance or execute orders from state authorities, including law enforcement, regulatory, and judicial bodies, to freeze the Client's OSON sum EDS in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the System Rules.
10.5. Additional rights and obligations of the Parties may be stipulated by the System Rules, the internal documents of the Service Operator, and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
11. Confidentiality and Security
11.1. The System Operator and the Client are obligated to take necessary measures to ensure the protection and security of information from leaks, disclosure, unauthorized access, and other forms of acquisition. This includes information exchanged in connection with the use of the OSON sum EDS and/or its individual components, as well as information accessible to the System Operator and the Client through the use of the OSON sum EDS.
11.2. The Client is obligated to independently take necessary measures to ensure the protection and confidentiality of their information and other data, including authentication data and the provided PIN code, from unauthorized access or use of the OSON sum EDS by third parties. The Client must not disclose their authentication data to third parties.
11.3. The Client acknowledges that the System Operator is not liable for any consequences resulting from the Client sharing their data with third parties, granting access to their account in the OSON sum EDS, or failing to change their password provided by the System Operator in a timely manner.
11.4. The System Operator must maintain the confidentiality of the Client's information, ensuring that the Client’s personal data obtained in connection with the performance of this Agreement is not disclosed or distributed, except in cases where:
such information is publicly available;
the information is disclosed with the Client's consent or at their request;
the information must be provided to third parties to the extent necessary to fulfill the terms of this Agreement;
the information must be disclosed or shared as required by the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
11.5. The Client undertakes not to conduct fraudulent transactions, launder proceeds of crime, finance terrorism, finance the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, or engage in other operations prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan through the OSON sum EDS.
11.6. The System Operator reserves the right to refuse the Client payment and/or other transactions using the OSON sum EDS by sending the Client a notification of the refusal, which is sent to the email address provided during registration in the OSON sum EDS or via an electronic message, specifying the reasons for the refusal. The System Operator has the right to require the Client to:
11.6.1. Provide additional information about their activities (including in writing with a signature). If the Client refuses to provide this information or fails to do so within fifteen days from the suspension of their service, their e-wallet may be blocked by the System Operator.
11.6.2. Submit documents (in paper or electronic form) containing details identifying the Client.
11.6.3. Provide a copy of the contract with their mobile service provider for the phone number registered in the OSON sum EDS.
11.7. The Client may not use the OSON sum EDS for transactions aimed at systematically generating profit or concealing income. The Client is aware of the administrative and criminal liability for engaging in entrepreneurial activity without registration or in violation of registration or licensing requirements and conditions.
11.8. If the Client violates the obligations set forth in this Agreement, the System Operator has the right to block the Client's access to the OSON sum EDS until the violation is resolved.
12. Personal Data Protection
12.1. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the Client consents to:
12.1.1. The collection, processing, storage, and transfer of their personal data by the System Operator and the Issuer.
12.1.2. Any actions (operations) performed with or without the use of automated means concerning personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, updating (modification), retrieval, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), anonymization, blocking, deletion, and destruction of personal data.
12.1.3. The transfer and/or cross-border transfer of the Client's personal data by the System Operator to any third parties in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
12.2. The collection of the Client’s personal data is carried out for the purpose of concluding agreements with the System Operator and the Issuer, fulfilling the concluded agreements, and complying with the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on combating money laundering, terrorist financing, and the financing of weapons of mass destruction.
12.3. This consent to collect and process personal data extends to any use of personal data by the System Operator, including when processing calls received at the Client Technical and Information Support Service phone line.
The System Operator ensures the protection of the Client's personal data through the following measures:
preventing unauthorized access to the Client's personal data;
timely detection of unauthorized access to the Client's personal data if such access could not be prevented;
minimizing adverse consequences of unauthorized access to the Client's personal data.
12.4. The Client's consent to the processing of personal data and other specified actions is provided without a time limit and can only be revoked by the Client with written notification to the System Operator at its legal address at least 180 days before the intended cessation of the use of personal data by the System Operator in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
13. License Terms for Using the OSON Sum Electronic Money System
13.1. The System Operator is the exclusive rights holder of the OSON Sum Electronic Money System (EMS). The use of the EMS, the System Operator's website, its content, services, other software tools, and/or software does not imply the transfer of exclusive rights and/or ownership of these intellectual property items in whole or in part to the Client and/or third parties.
13.2. This Agreement is not a sales contract. The EMS software (including all modifications, corrections, updates, supplements, improvements, content, and related technical (operational) documentation) is not intended for sale and remains the exclusive property of the System Operator.
13.3. The System Operator provides the Client with non-exclusive, gratuitous rights to use the EMS on the condition that the Client complies with the obligations specified in this Agreement.
13.4. Regarding the license terms for using the EMS:
13.4.1. Entering into this Agreement does not transfer any rights to the Client other than those specified in this Agreement or granted to the Client under the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
13.4.2. This Agreement reflects the mutual goodwill of the Client and the System Operator, is non-commercial, and does not serve as a basis for monetary transactions or the transfer of other material assets.
13.5. The Client agrees not to use the trademarks of the EMS, associated with the Program System, nor to use, copy, modify, merge, or transfer its copies in violation of the terms of this Agreement.
13.7. This Agreement becomes effective upon the Client's actions specified in Clause 3.4 of this Agreement.
13.8. This Agreement terminates under the following circumstances:
13.8.1. At the Client’s initiative—upon ceasing to use the EMS.
13.8.2. At the System Operator’s initiative—in case the Client violates the terms of this Agreement, the System Rules, or the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
13.9. The Client is prohibited from using the Program System to create derivative works or using such derivatives.
13.10. If the Client intends to terminate this Agreement on their own initiative, or if the Client receives a notification from the System Operator regarding the termination of this Agreement, the Client must cease using the Program System within one calendar day.
13.11. It is prohibited to reverse-engineer or decompile the EMS. This prohibition is intended to ensure the security of the EMS and its Participants.
13.12. For all questions regarding technical and informational support, the Client may contact the System Operator using the contact information (phone numbers, email addresses) listed on the System Operator's website.
14. Warranties and Responsibilities of the Parties
14.1. The System Operator and the Client are liable for non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
14.2. In the event of delayed payments by the System Operator, it shall pay the Client a penalty of 0.1% of the overdue payment amount for each day of delay, not exceeding 10% of the overdue payment amount. If an erroneous payment occurs due to the fault of the EMS, the System Operator is obligated to transfer the funds to the Client’s account no later than one business day following the day the error was detected. Otherwise, the Client is entitled to demand reimbursement of EMS funds and a penalty of 0.1% of the erroneous payment amount per day of delay, up to 10% of the payment amount, in accordance with the law.
14.3. The System Operator is not responsible for losses incurred by the Client due to:
- Errors and/or malfunctions in portable devices, mobile applications, and/or other software products (ensuring the operation of the EMS) not caused by the System Operator.
- Temporary lack of access to platforms for portable devices, mobile applications, and/or other software products ensuring the operation of the EMS.
- Unauthorized actions of third parties due to the Client's fault.
- Incorrect crediting of EMS funds to electronic wallets of unauthorized recipients caused by the Client’s fault.
14.4. The Client guarantees not to engage in any actions aimed at:
14.4.1. Causing harm or damage to the System Operator, System Participants, and/or other individuals or legal entities. If the Client violates the terms of this Agreement, they must compensate the System Operator for damages caused by such actions, regardless of the nature or extent of the damages, and shall also bear liability in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
14.4.2. Creating, using, or distributing viruses and other malicious software capable of causing harm and/or damage to the EMS. If the Client violates the terms of this Agreement, they shall bear liability under the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
14.5. Unless proven otherwise, any actions performed using the Client's portable devices, mobile applications, computers, or other equipment, including their profile and personal account after registration in the EMS, are considered performed by the Client.
14.6. The Client is strictly prohibited from using the EMS for commercial purposes, including establishing payment acceptance points for goods (works, services) from the public. In case of violation, the Client shall bear liability under the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
14.7. The Client acknowledges that any payment or transaction for goods (works, services) is their voluntary action, for which they bear responsibility under the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
14.8. The System Operator does not guarantee that the EMS and its individual features or elements will be error-free or function as expected by the Client. Errors or deficiencies leading to system malfunctions or inoperability do not constitute grounds for the exchange, return, or repair of the Client’s device or equipment.
14.9. The Client is informed and agrees that their mobile device or other equipment may not support certain functionalities or features of the EMS.
14.10. The System Operator is not responsible for the accuracy of the information posted in the Client’s personal account and is not the entity responsible for publishing such information.
14.11. The Client is responsible for all actions performed using their mobile device, other equipment, personal account, or login credentials used in the EMS.
14.12. The Client must immediately notify the System Operator of any security breaches or unauthorized access to their personal account by third parties. Failure to do so will hold the Client responsible for the actions, omissions, or consequences arising from their personal account.
15. Force Majeure
15.1. Force majeure refers to the occurrence of circumstances of irresistible force directly or indirectly caused by events such as decisions of government bodies and organizations, wars, civil unrest, epidemics, and others, where compliance by the System Operator and the Client with the requirements and conditions of this Agreement becomes impossible.
15.2. The Parties are released from liability for failure to fulfill mutual obligations if the failure is a result of force majeure circumstances that could not have been prevented or foreseen before the acceptance of this Agreement.
15.3. The Party affected by force majeure circumstances must notify the other Party no later than ten working days from the occurrence and/or cessation of such circumstances by publishing the relevant information.
15.4. Force majeure circumstances stated in the notification must be confirmed by an authorized body in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
15.5. If the Party invoking force majeure circumstances fails to notify the other Party as provided in Clauses 15.3 and 15.4 of this Agreement, it loses the right to rely on such circumstances in the event of non-fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement.
16. Procedure for Resolving Claims and Disputes
16.1. In the event of disputes or disagreements between the System Operator and the Client related to the execution of this Agreement, the Parties will make every effort to resolve them through negotiations.
16.2. In the event of disputes or disagreements between the System Operator and the Client, the provision of services by the EMS under this Agreement shall be suspended until the disputes or disagreements are fully resolved.
16.3. If disputes or disagreements cannot be resolved through negotiations, they shall be subject to resolution in the relevant court at the location of the System Operator in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
17. Term and Termination of the Agreement
17.1. This Agreement comes into force upon the Client’s acceptance of its terms and remains in effect for an indefinite period or until its termination.
17.2. The Client has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement by deleting their personal account in the EMS.
17.3. The System Operator has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement if the Client violates the requirements of this Agreement (regarding obligations, confidentiality, license terms, liability), the System Rules, or the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with mandatory written and/or electronic notification at least three days prior to the termination of this Agreement.
18. Final Provisions
18.1. All notifications and communications from the Client, as well as any changes or additions to their data, shall be sent to the System Operator in the form of electronic documents through the EMS (via the Client’s personal account) or in the form of a paper document.
18.2. On all issues not regulated by this Agreement, the System Operator and the Client shall be guided by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
18.3. This Agreement, concluded by the Client, may be terminated by the Client by sending written notification to the System Operator. This Agreement shall be considered terminated ten banking days after the System Operator receives the notification.
18.4. This Agreement is governed by, interpreted, and applied in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
19. System Operator Details
Address: 100058, Tashkent, Yunusabad District,
Bogiboston MFI, Bogishamol Street, Building 179
TIN: 304 408 302
Account: 20208000600690042002
MFO: 00401
OKED: 63 110
Tel: +998-71-207-80-81
1 March 2024