

1. Take into account, what:

а) The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On Payments and Payment Systems» dated November 1, 2019:

changes in tariffs (cost of services) are subject to publication on the official website of the LLC «BRIO GROUP» (hereinafter - the System Operator)within 3 (three) working days after their approval by the System Operator;

changes in tariffs (cost of services) are applied by the System Operator and System Participants fifteen days after their publication on the official website of the System Operator;

The System Operator provides the Central Bank with information on changes in tariffs (cost of services)no later than fifteen working days before the date of entry into force of these changes;

б) Rules for the functioning of the Electronic Money System «OSON» sum the services of the System Operator are reimbursable.

2. Tariffs on commissions and commissions of the Electronic money system «OSON» sum (hereinafter - Tariffs) are not final and can be changed or supplemented by the System Operator in the prescribed manner.

3. The exact Tariffs for each service are communicated to the Client before making a payment and (or) other operation, but cannot exceed the permissible values specified in the Tariffs.

4. System Operator Commission Fees:

 №  The name of the operation Commission fee*
1. E-wallet replenishment 0-5%
2. Purchase of electronic money 2-5% (depending on the method of purchasing electronic money)
3. Transfer of electronic money by the client
-by an individual to another client
-natural person
0-2% (commission is charged from the sender of the transfer amount)
4. Making a payment 0-4% (excluding additional commission)
5. Withdrawal of electronic money to a bank card (redemption by an agent) до 4% (depending on the method)
6. Redemption by the issuer:
1)transfer of an amount of funds equivalent to the amount declared for repayment to the clients bank account;
2)cash withdrawal at the cash desks of branches of the issuing bank
up to 5% in the system, the issuing bank may charge a fee for the transfer of funds in accordance with the internal rates of the bank
7. Storing information when transferring an electronic wallet to the mode «Inactive» 0%
8. Other operations 0-2%
* If the System Operator does not provide the Client with information about a different amount of the charged commission.

5. System Operators commission rates charged from Clients when making payments:

 №  Service name Commission size**
1. Government services 0-1%
2. Communal payments 0-5%
3. Electronic money of other issuers 0-5%
4. Online services and entertainment 0-3%
5. Telephony 0-5%
6. Internet service provider 0-5%
7. Mobile operators in Uzbekistan 0%
8. Foreign mobile operators 3-5%
9. Finance, loans 0%
10. Transport 0%
11. Purchases 0%
12. Restaurants and catering facilities 0%
13. Security 0%
14. Education 0-1%
15. Travel 0%
16. Charity 0%
17. Domains, advertising and hosting 0%
18. Television and online broadcasting 0-5%
19. Internet shops 0-5%
20. Network marketing 0%
21. Online Games 0-5%
22. Game services 0-7%
23. Gift cards 0-5%
24. The medicine 0%
25. Flights 0%
26. Taxi 0%
27. Payment to account 1%